
Friday, August 12, 2016

Welcome To Dota 2

Dota 2 is a free to play Multiplayer Online Battle Arena also known as MOBA game. Dota 2 is played by two teams known as the "Radiant" and “Dire", each team consists of five players. Each player controls a "Hero" that has different unique abilities or skill and role into the game. Their main objective is to destroy the opposing team main structure also known as the "Ancient" but you must defend your own "Ancient" also.

Each team has its own base where the "Ancient" is located. These two bases are connected by three paths also known as the "lanes" top lane, mid lane and the bottom lane
This lane is divided in half by a crossable river. Each lane has 3 sets of defensive towers you must destroy these towers before you attack the opposing team base. Inside the base, there is set of barracks on each lane the range barracks and the melee barracks, these barracks spawn a computer generated creeps that travel through lanes and attack enemy heroes, creeps and building on its way. You can get experience for leveling your hero gold for buying items by killing those creeps. If you destroy the enemy team barracks your creeps will became stronger which is called the mega creeps. There is another option on getting experience and gold by killing "neutral creeps" located on certain area which is called the "neutral camps".

If you reach level 6 you can upgrade your ultimate ability this is the most powerful ability of your hero, you can upgrade it again when you reach level 11 and 16. You can became more stronger by buying some items that provide special abilities or add some attributes on your hero, But you should have enough gold before you can buy items. Items are not limited to specific heroes it can be bought by anyone but some items are not suitable for other heroes, yes you can buy it but it will not help you too much. For example, you are using a magic type of hero and you buy a damage item, yes it can help but not that much unlike buying an item that can add more power on your magic abilities. You should learn what items are the best for the hero you're using and the best for the situation of the game.

In dota 2 there is one item that you can’t buy it is the Aegis of the Immortal it allows the hero that holding it to be resurrected one time on the spot where he dies. You can obtain it by killing the most powerful creep in the game which is "Roshan". Roshan is a unique boss who may killed by either team to obtain the aegis and have advantage in a certain amount of time. Roshan will respawn 8 to 11 minutes after being killed and he will became more stronger and harder to kill as time goes by. 
So that’s it for now, I will tell you more about Dota 2 and some other games in my future posts. 

Thank You For Reading!

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