
Friday, August 12, 2016

Dota 2 Hero Roles

Dota 2 heroes are divided into three groups: int, agi and str. Those heroes have their role into the game, carry and support. Let’s talk about their roles in the game so that you can understand how the roles affect the game.
Carries are the hero that is weak in the beginning of the game but they become stronger when they reach certain level or getting their core and late game items. This kind of hero focuses on farming in the early game. Killing creeps on lane or in jungle and killing enemy heroes. But you should be careful because enemy team will hunt you almost all the time. Why? Because they don’t want you to get your level and items fast. So what you are going to do to prevent enemy team from killing you?  The very basic strategy is always carry a teleportation scroll or they called it TP scroll in game, so that when you look on mini map and you notice that there is no single enemy hero, or one or two enemy hero is missing, you can teleport in your base or in the lane that you think is safe and you have a teammate nearby that can help you in when enemy team try to gank you. Tp scrolls are not used only for escaping; you can also use it to help your teammate when the enemy team tries to kill him. There are three possible results when helping a teammate, the first one is preventing your teammate to be killed, second is turning around the situation, this is result that you needed most when helping your teammate, instead of enemy team getting a kill they are the ones who get killed or they killed your teammate successfully but your team get more kills. The third one is the worst result. They kill your teammate successfully and they got you also or your team get wiped by opposing team. So be careful on responding on that kind of situation you must think fast. What will be the outcome when I help my teammate, do we prevent them to kill him? Can we turn around the situation? Or we are both getting killed if I help him? Sometimes not helping your teammate is the best decision that you can make in the game. Remember you're using a carry hero, you need to get levels and gold as fast as you can, use that opportunity to farm more gold and level. But keep in mind that not only getting more level and items will lead you to victory, you must also think carefully on every decision you make. In this kind of game, one single mistake can be the reason of being defeated by enemy team.

Supports are the baby sitter of the carries. They provide courier, wards and some necessary items, but not all support players are providing courier and wards especially in pub games “sad la”.

Couriers can deliver the item you purchased in the shop or secret shop. Instead of going back to the base to get those items, courier will deliver it to you so that you can farm continuously. You can upgrade the courier into flying courier, flying courier moves a little bit faster than the normal courier, and it has an additional skill called speed burst correct me if I’m wrong, speed burst gaining additional movement speed in certain amount of time to deliver your items faster but it has a cool down. Couriers can be killed by enemy teams and even creeps, so pay attention on courier when you’re using it. You can't use your courier for 3mins. If it dies, you can retrieve your items that your courier carries when it respawn again.

There are two kinds of wards in Dota 2: the sentry ward and the observer ward. Wards are one of the most important items in Dota 2, so don’t forget to buy wards when it’s available. Why did I say when it’s available? Because you can only buy limited amount of observer wards, four pieces if I’m not mistaken, it refreshes every minute, one piece per minute and it only stocks four pieces in shop, so you should use it wisely. Wards are invisible once you used it, enemy teams can’t see your wards unless they have detected a sentry ward, gem of true sight or necronomicon book III. I will explain those items that I said in my future posts, let’s just focus on wards first.

Observer wards
Observer wards or they called it in game "obs" gave your team a limited vision of 1600 range on the area where you placed it. It only lasts 6 minutes after using; observer wards can’t detect invisible units. You can’t put observer wards inside the Roshan's pit and enemy team fountain area. I recommend placing it on high grounds and there is no tree blocking its vision to maximize the use of it. Why you should place it in high grounds and no tree blocking on it? Because it works like a normal hero vision, you can’t see the area on high grounds and area blocked by tree. Make sure to place ward near on your carry hero to prevent enemy team ganks.

Sentry wards
Sentry wards or they called it in game "sents" gave true sight it can detect invisible units and wards also, but it didn’t give you the vision of the area where you placed it. It also has a limited area of detection. It ignores the high ground and tree blocking rule of observer wards, you can see all invisible units as long as they stay inside the range of sentry wards and you have vision of that area, sentry wards only last for 4 minutes. You can buy sentry wards as many as you want as long as you have enough gold to purchase it. I recommend using it to deward enemy team wards or when you have an invisible enemy. Make sure to place one ward on the lanes where your team is, to prevent enemy team ganks. Look at the image below for proper ward placement.

So basically that’s the role of a support buying necessary items that benefits your carry to farm faster and to prevent ganks of opposing team. Supports can roam also to help other teammate in other lanes, ganking enemy heroes to prevent them getting their levels and items faster than your team carry. Dewarding enemy team wards, why dewarding enemy team is important? Imagine that you are playing, and the only vision you see is from the creeps and towers, you don’t have any vision on the jungle area, you don’t know when the enemy team will gank you and where they will coming from. It’s so easy for them to kill you and your teammates. You can also harass your enemy hero on the lane, by doing this your carry teammate can farm freely on the lane, and to prevent your enemy to get some experience and gold but make sure you pay attention to your health also. The enemy creeps will attack you once you attack the enemy heroes when you are in their range. I think that’s enough for today, I will give you more tips and guide on Dota 2 and other games in my future posts.

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