
Monday, August 15, 2016

Dota 2 Hero Draft

Before the game starts your team and enemy team will pick the hero that they think will gonna lead them to victory, hero that can counter the enemy team strategy or hero that can outplay your enemy team it is called the drafting phase. Aside from picking your team heroes each team can also ban 5 heroes from the hero pool you should think carefully on this phase its a mind battle between the two teams.
 Here is the sequence of picking and banning heroes.

How does banning hero affect the game?
It affect your enemy team strategy so much, it can ruin your enemy team strategy by banning the hero they need to execute their plan in mind. It is like you have a gun but you don’t have a bullet.

Does the good drafting affect the game?
Yes it is as i said you can counter enemy team heroes or outplay them. But not all good drafts lead you to victory you should execute your team play well to make it effective. It is like you have a gun loaded with bullets but you can’t hit your enemies, you should know how to use it at the right time not just firing it is enough.

 In order to win in a team fight each of you should know what they role is and when is the right timing to use your skills to outplayed your enemy. and the right timing to execute your plans."

Pro dota 2 teams have their own notes of each individual player of other team. They are researching on what are the other team play style how they execute in clash what hero does individual player good at so that can think of a strategy to outplay the other teams before they fight against them.

Dota 2 heroes has 3 attributes Agi(agility) Str(strength) Int(intelligence) every heroes have their main attributes its either agi, str or int. you can buy items according to their attributes to make you more stronger through the game but it does not apply every time. for some hero itemization may be different.
for example : you pick an int hero and you buy intelligence items to boost your hero damage but your enemy kill you so easily because you're too squishy. So in order to be more durable and useful in team fight you should buy items that boost your armor and hp(health) or you can also buy escaping items so that enemy heroes can’t kill you in an instant.

I recommend you to watch some videos of pro dota 2 teams to learn more about strategies and hero itemization. I'm also watching dota 2 tournaments and i learn a lot from them.

I hope you understand what i want to explain in this article. Thanks for reading! 😉

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